Tuesday, December 7, 2010

7 Effective Study Habits for High School Students and College Freshmen

Leave all anxiety behind, you must be worry free and focus mainly on your study and lessons. Say no to every temptations that your friends and or classmates are inviting you to, this includes watching movies, go to beach, malling, chit-chat and other things that teenagers usually do every vacant time. Choose a good place for studying, this may include seashore area, below a shaded tree, in our veranda and please not those closed rooms like your bedroom or any room which you can be tempted to take a nap or sleep. These are some of the perquisites before you proceed studying for a Major exam or for a BAR exam or just simply for an examination.and oopss, before i forget, i prefer to have a background music when studying especially those smooth melody that help me calm down and concentrate on my study.
So here we go!

1. When studying, you need to read all the lessons that to be covered in the examination. Pure comprehensive reading will do, read, understand and read.

2. After above, get back to the definitions of terms that you could simply remember. And again, read, understand and read. For me, no need for further memorization, just understand and remember those common words that define a certain word that will help you connect to that specified word
3.When comes to enumeration of words or subtopics or types/classification or Kinds of a certain word or topic, then you need to arrange it in order that you can link with a certain famous abbreviation or in a way that you can simply remember the first letter of the words.
4. For the very difficult or not so familiar terms, all you need to do is to accompany the word with a familiar word and during the examination, be connected to the familiar word and then you will remember the difficult term.
5. When dealing with number memorization or number arrangement, always divide that group of numbers into three or four or what you prefer to have and do the memorization by division.
6. When studying, do not force yourself to memorize or remember that information or data in your lectures. Always remember, when studying you must swallow the words well, digest them well and stored them well, not forcely but willingly.

7. This is really a have-to-do after every studying. When you have a chance, you need to grab a partner and let him/her ask some question that relates to your study. The best thing to do here is to let your partner see and hold your hard copy of your lessons and let him/her ask. I called this part, the pre-Q&A section of studying. In this way, even if you cannot answer the question that your partner throw, but you can remember that especially when it comes out in the true examination. Through that, you can identify the right answer.

These seven habits i have came from my personal experiences and from my classmates advise. But if you have a more comfortable way of studying, then thats good. What important here is to have an effective studying ways and a good output of every examinations.
For the students this coming School Year, God bless and more power, always study hard and let your Parents be proud of you.

Hope this helps.